The mission of PolBox.TV is to provide Polish Internet TV to all Poles living abroad.

There are over 20 million Poles living abroad, which means that as many as 36% of Poles do not live in their homeland. Poles have been leaving and are still leaving for various reasons, such as the political, financial, family and professional situation, and for many other reasons. Each Emigrant has his own personal history. Citizens of Poland are spread all over the world, many of whom live in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Germany. Polonia is also numerous in many European countries and practically in every other corner of the world. However, all Poles are bound together in one country, it is a longing for their homeland.

That's why Polbox Media LTD launched the PolBox.TV service. We want every Polish emigrant to have the greatest possible contact with his homeland, and it's media services such as television that give the best opportunity to contact Polish culture and Polish language. We are very proud that so many Poles use our services, but we are still open to new customers. For this reason, we make sure that the level of our services and the quality of customer service are still at the highest level. We are constantly expanding the range of services provided.

How did it all start?

From the very beginning, the purpose of PolBox.TV's existence was to create and continuously develop a media platform that was to inform Poles about emigration, Poland's economic, political, cultural and sporting life. At the same time, we want our services to be easy to use, reliable and available at an attractive price.

Before the creation of PolBox.TV, television services for Poles living abroad were not very comfortable, and usually also expensive. It was necessary to install, for example, satellite dishes and pay subscriptions to foreign television providers. However, our enthusiasm and modern technology have made the first unlimited Polish Internet TV appear on the Internet TV market, which is PolBox.TV!

PolBox.TV - the highest quality

First of all, Polbox Media LTD offers Polish television for Poles who live abroad. At the same time, the company cooperates with many contractors and has a well-developed network of distributors in Europe, Asia and North America. The right to broadcast Polish TV channels and other services is fully protected by international certificates regarding copyright and television licenses. Consequently, PolBox.TV is a completely safe and stable service.

The packages of PolBox.TV channels are diverse, which ensures that everyone will find attractive programs in them, convergent with preferences and interests. In PolBox.TV you can find drama series, news from Poland and the world, as well as broadcasts of sports events, live broadcasts and many other attractions.

PolBox.TV television - about the company Main office:
Polbox Media LTD
7B Duke St
Edinburgh EH6 8HG
About the main things
Happy Grandparents' Day to all Grandmothers and Grandfathers on this special occasion! Read more